This document is an attempt to tell you what you need to know to use Linux on an embedded PowerPC-based system, and is a distillation of the collective wisdom from the linuxppc-embedded mailing list. Comments, feedback and corrections to this document are invited via E-mail to the author.
Some of the information here is in the form of references to the mailing list archives. Follow the threads in the archive to get more information.
This document is laid out roughly in the order of the steps necessary to implement a complete system, which is similar to boot order starting at the lowest level and working upwards.
Copyright (c) 2000, Canon Information Systems Research Australia.
This information is provided as a service to the Linux community, but comes with no warranty. You may use it only at your own risk. It may be reproduced under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of CISRA or Canon Inc.
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Most of this HOWTO was assembled by Graham Stoney, utilising the wisdom dispensed by many others, particularly the gurus in the field: Dan Malek, Cort Dougan, Marcus Sundberg, Wolfgang Denk, Richard Hendricks, Matt Porter, Grant Erickson, Darvis Nevil, Murray Jensen and others. They deserve the credit - I doubt you'll find a more helpful group of people.